SJCC Softball Web

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SJCC Softball 2014

Welcome to the Stroum Jewish Community Center Softball Site
Use the tabs above to see standings, results, and schedules.
Then click on a team to get details about that team.

All games are played on the South Mercer Island fields. If you lose or find an item at the fields, see Lost and Found.

Email Tiger Budbill, Softball coordinator or call him at 206-380-5164 with questions or to get more information.
Current playing field conditions
Last Updated11/29 11:47 AM
StatusCongratulations to our 2014 Champs!
Tekiah in the D division.
Jew Tang Clan in the C division.
Dudley Smiles in the B division.
Bitewings in the A division.

A Champions: Bitewings

B Champions: Dudley Smiles

defeated Rainier Overseas 14-11

defeated TDHS 10-6

C Champions: Jew Tang Clan

D Champions: Tekiah

defeated JFS 5-3

defeated 7th Inning Kvetch 8-7


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